Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Dr. Gerry’s Coco Nectar: Benefits and Applications

CCN is an Amino Acid “Bomb”

It delivers a concentrated and complete supply of all the 20 Amino Acids needed by the Immune System to:
  • FIGHT DISEASES - Relentlessly bombard and neutralize intruders/invaders(virus, bacteria,etc.) – something the anti-biotics in overdose, can never do without damaging the body.  CCN is very safe food and can/should be taken in megadoses for serious and life-threatening ailments.
  • REPAIR DAMAGED TISSUES - Supply raw materials for the immediate repair, rehabilitation and rejuvenation of damaged tissues and organs. CCN needs no digestion so it is assimilated in less than 2 minutes from ingestion, delivering the necessary repair substances to the affected tissues.


CCN enhances, and in the case of older people, reawaken the vitality of the reproductive organs in as much as Amino Acids comprise all reproductive fluids. It is a natural and much safer alternative to the so-called “colored pills” taken by seniors; no side effects, no overdose, no anxiety. In the words of those who have tried it, “you can be cock-sure with Coco Nectar”.  Maintaining some regularity in sexual activities will help prevent Prostate Cancer and Myoma.
Start with 2-3 tbsp of PureCCN in the morning before breakfast on an EMPTY STOMACH or 5 mins before meals. You could vary the intake by taking it as Coco Nectar Juice, mixing CCN with water. When positive results are experienced, the dosage can be taken again before sleeping. The Body undertakes undisturbed repairs while asleep.
CCN delivers Repair Materials to the afflicted organs. Since it is a powerful anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory, it fights the infection and swelling, if there is any.
In the case of Diabetics, CCN delivers not only repair materials for the damaged Pancreas, CCN likewise delivers all the necessary amino acid ingredients (17 in all) for the manufacture of Insulin. Regular exercise will go a long way in converting more sugar to energy, thereby containing, if not preventing, Diabetes. We now have two cases of Insulin-dependents who stopped injecting themselves with pharmaceutical Insulin after taking a daily dose of CCN.
One of them, a Shipping Executive in Makati, hasn’t used the needle since 2010 after he switched to CCN. He consumes about 2 kilos every 3 months.
Do not be concerned with the sweetness of the CCN.
First off, it has a low Glycemic Index (35); secondly, the sweetness comes naturally from Fructose and Glucose(a very important food for the brain together with oxygen), and not from Sucrose (cane sugar). Both fructose and glucose in CCN comprise the “fuel” with which the Human Body manufactures tissues, while the Amino Acids are the “raw materials”.

Stroke, Heart Diseases, Atherosclerosis

CCN is the BEST and SAFEST food for Heart patients and Stroke Victims.
Digestion is very stressful to the heart. CCN does not require digestion. It delivers all the necessary “repair” materials to the body without taxing the heart to power the process.
A megadose of CCN (like 150-300gms/day) on an EMPTY STOMACH has restored the body of some stroke victims in 30-60 days.
CCN enhances blood circulation and lowers blood pressure. It is therefore an advisable Food Supplement for Heart patients.
It has been shown that a combination of the Amino Acids Proline and Lysine and megadoses of non-acidic Vitamin C, reverses Atherosclerosis, a direct cause of high blood pressure and heart attacks. Proline and Lysine are already present in CCN, among the 20 Amino Acids.

Dengue Fever

CCN is a very effective Dengue Fighter. It has not failed to lick Dengue since it was first tested in 2004.
It has raised Platelet counts from as low as 6,000, to over 100,000 in 24 hours or less.
Strictly Dengue patients in hospitals invariably get discharged within 24-48 hours from taking CCN. The dosage is easy to remember. The cure is very cheap. One only needs 1-2 small bottles.
For Adults: Take half a bottle (150gms) immediately on an EMPTY STOMACH. If it is taken in the morning, follow it up with the other half before sleeping. If  the first dose is taken in the afternoon or evening, take the other half in the morning BEFORE breakfast. Then have a 2nd bottle in reserve, for insurance.
For 6-13 years: take ¼ bottle (75gms), and follow it up with a similar dose every 6-8 hrs until the bottle is done or until the platelets surpass the 100,000 count.
Tots and Infants: Reduce the dosage proportionate to the body weight.
You may use droppers for infants; or mix CCN with water and bottle-feed.
There is NO OVERDOSE for CCN, so the dosages do not have to be exact.

Skin Breaks & Diseases / External Afflictions / Herpes

CCN can be applied topically on all external afflictions, such as wounds, ulcers, rashes, allergies, infections, boils, hemmorhoids. Of late, a Herpes Simplex patient reported healing after only a couple of days ingesting as well as topically applying CCN on the affected spots.
You may dab pure CCN on the affected area or dilute it with water to reduce viscosity as in the case of rashes and psoriasis.

Hair Fertilizer

Hair is made from Amino Acids.
CCN is a potent “hair fertilizer”, minimizing hairfall, as it strengthens and thickens hair.
Take a spoonful of CCN in a bowl and dilute with water. Then massage the solution into the scalp for 3-5 minutes. It is best to do this before taking a bath.
Check your bathroom drain for falling hair after a couple of days. It should be much less.
Check your scalp after 2-3 days you might detect baby hair growth. Hair definitely looks strong and thick.

Throat and Mouth Infections

CCN combats tooth decay and in most instances, relieves toothache. It also neutralizes mouth sores, as well as infected and bleeding gums on contact. Some dentists have been using CCN soaked in cotton to gum wounds right after extraction. It stops bleeding almost immediately, facilitates blood clot and tissue repair, allowing extractee to eat after 24 hours. It is the fastest healer for newly-extracted gum wounds.
Just take a mouthful and guide the CCN to the affected spots.
For tonsillitis and throat infections, swallow slowly with head tilted towards the back so the CCN hits the infected area as you swallow. It also eliminates halitosis as you swallow. There is no bad breath with CCN.

Sore Eyes and Floaters

2 drops of CCN, mixed with water, in an empty vial of “EyeMo” or “Visine” should do the job of fighting eye infection, as well as repairing torn retinal tissues(experienced as “floaters” by older people) caused by high blood pressure. 1-2 drops of the solution 1- 2x a day ought to contain the discomfort, if not totally heal the infection and repair eye damage in a couple of hours. It stings upon application but  it lasts only for a few seconds. REFRIGERATE the solution.

Ulcer / Hyperacidity / GERD

CCN has proven to be a very fast worker in relieving pains and discomfort brought about by less serious cases of Hyperacidity and Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease(GERD) common among older people. In case of Ulcers in the stomach sphincter, stomach and intestines, CCN provides immediate relief upon contact. Hence, in these cases, it must always be taken in megadoses and on an Empty Stomach. The delivery of the repair materials must not be diluted and delayed by food still undergoing digestion in the stomach.


CCN is the safest natural sweetener in the world. So (if you can afford it), you can use it to sweeten anything; and use it as substitute for any recipe that uses “sugar”.

CCN as Coco Water

With CCN, no need for procuring Coco Water. Mixing CCN with water, sweetened to taste, is nutritionally and energetically many notches better than any other natural coconut water from either young or old coconut. Creating various kinds of Coco Nectar Juices could be experienced by simply adding any fresh fruit or vegetable juice for variety. Adding Braggs Apple Cider to CCN on a 1-0n-1 basis brings a delectable thirst-quenching quality to the juice. Best taken when chilled.

Leukemia / Carcinoma (Colon, Breast) / Blood Diseases

CCN Users have reported relieved symptoms of leukemia, anemia, colon, cervical and breast cancer and blood abnormalities. A simple blood analysis can validate the effects of CCN on the health of the blood and plasma. CCN has been proven as best natural food fighter against blood-related diseases.

Necessary SUPPLEMENTS to go with CCN

1) Megadoses of Non-acidic Vitamin C. Necessary ingredient (together with Amino Acids) for the construction of Collagen for Tissue repairs.
2) Lots of native Bananas – the LATUNDAN Variety. This is the best, surest and fastest natural food medicine for digestive problems (IBS,etc). When the digestive process is efficient, elimination is also efficient resulting in the healthiest-looking stool to prove it.  Take 1-2 Latundan after every meal, at least.
3)Vitamin B-Complex.
4.) Psyllium Fiber
With CCN, Banana, Vitamins C and B-complex, you may not need to eat heavy meals.
You’ve supplied the body with what it naturally needs to keep itself healthy.
And they are all digestion-friendly.

Coconut Honey vs. Bee Honey

Coconut Honey: “Green” Honey (Made by the Tree).
Bee Honey: Animal Honey (Made inside the Bee).
Coconut Honey: Contains 20+ (Complete) Amino Acids.
Bee Honey: Contains 9 (only).
Coconut Honey: No Toxins, No Overdose.
Bee Honey: Contains Toxins, Danger in Overdose.
Coconut Honey: Non-regulated natural food.
Bee Honey: Regulated applications.
Coconut Honey: No danger of allergies.
Bee Honey: Can cause allergies.
Coconut Honey: Much lower Glycemic Index.
Bee Honey: Relatively high sugar content, thus higher glycemic index.
Coconut Honey: Definitely safe, if not beneficial to Diabetics.
Bee Honey: Risky in overdose.
Bottom Line: CCN is Natural Healing Food as raw as you can get, straight from the essence of the Tree of Life, the Coconut Tree.
Research on Amino Acids Healing or Orthomolecular Therapy.  Or ask for a Free Seminar on “The Human Body and its Natural Healing System”. Contact for inquiries.
Dr. Gerry’s Coco Nectar is Coconut Honey. “Made by a Tree, Safer than Bee.”

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