Sunday, August 5, 2012

How to Win in Four Areas of Life

How To Win In 4 Areas Of Life…
Why is Facebook so big today? 
Because deep in our hearts, our most basic need, found in our DNA, written in our genetic code, is the need to belong to a community, a friendship, a network, a club, a family. 
Forgive me for being flat-out corny, downright mushy, but whether you know it or not, whether you admit it or not, you have a desperate need for LOVE.
You were born with it.
Everybody has it.
Male or female, you need love.
Yes, men too. I don’t care how macho you are. I don’t care if you look like a gorilla. I don’t care if you look so mean, little kids scream in terror when they see you. I don’t care if you look like a 500-pound wrestler and you can crush me just by looking at me. At your deepest core, you still need love.
The billionaire living in the penthouse of his own skyscraper and the beggar living in a dark alley behind that skyscraper—Both of them are desperate for love. 
The 8-month old baby, left in her crib, longing and crying for her mother’s arms to embrace her, and an 80-year old woman in a wheelchair, longing and crying for her son to visit her—Both are desperate for love.
Single, married, divorced, or widowed—you need love. Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Atheist or Agnostic—you need love. 
When God made you, He put that need into you. He designed this need into you.
Why? Because at the end of the day, even if you have 346,114 Likes in Facebook—this need, this craving, this hunger for love will never be met. Ultimately, this need for love is a need for God. Because God is love.
At the end of the day, your desperate hunger for love will push you towards God—because every family, friend, and community will fail. Only God can never fail you. And only God can fill your desperate need.
Which brings me to my next point…
              (To continue reading Bo's inspiring article, click here.)
PS. Last Call! Don’t depend on your job alone. Join me in my 2-day Truly Rich Financial Coaching Program on August 17 to 18, and learn how to build other sources of income. My mentors and I will teach you how to build your investments and explore businesses with you. Warning: Sign up now before you run out of seats. For more information, click the link below:

Healthy Choices Free Workshop By Sugarleaf

Healthy Choices by Sugarleaf launches the first of a series of free workshops promoting its partners in health and wellness with Forzudo’s chia talks on 25 August, Saturday, 230pm at Sugarleaf’s Wilson Street, Greenhills branch.

The Beauty of Raw By Mona Lisa Neuboeck

Sugarleaf… Foods That Nourish is pleased to welcome back raw food chef and health educator Mona Lisa Neuboeck’s who’s “rawking” to resume her much anticipated series The Beauty Of Raw which shares her in depth knowledge and personal experiences whilst on her journey to health.

How To Build A Semi-Passive Income on the Internet that You and Your Family Can Enjoy

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