11 Amazing Health Benefits Of Pomelo
Source Style Craze
Pomelo, also called Pumello, Jabong, Lusho, Chinese grapefruit and
shaddock is the largest member of the citrus family. More sweet than
sour, with juicy meat and pulp, pomelos are considered grandfathers of
grapefruits. Pomelo originated in China and is also referred to in
historical Chinese Books. Pomelo is mostly cultivated in China and South
East Asia and is now widely available in the United States and in
The upper layer of this fruit is thick and soft and can be peeled
easily. The pulp inside comes in a variety of colours ranging from
yellow to pink and red. You can find the fruit growing on citrus trees
in the heat of summer and or in tropical climates. Pomelo fruits weigh
up to 20 pounds and have a mixed taste. It is sweet like orange, tart
like grapefruit, tangy like tangerine and very juicy.